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"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy". Shakespeare, Hamlet


"By Foster Gamble".

Worldview is just a term meaning how you interpret reality, or what you believe to be true
As far as I can tell, we each have one – and though it has been vastly influenced by the thoughts of those we read, watch or associate with, we each actually have a unique perspective on what is going on.

Worldviews can and do change. In general, worldview has been most influenced by religion and science. If science teaches us that the planet is part of a closed system and the Earth is winding down, with limited resources and in time will simply use itself up, then a worldview of scarcity is likely to result. If science were to teach that the Universe is alive, and this planet is part of a living infinitely abundant universe –and that the energy winding down is matched by energy winding up, in a dynamic of expansion and contraction, that can be tapped in to cleanly and harmoniously to provide for all people everywhere, we are likely to believe that evolution is ongoing and there is plenty to go around.

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We are at a critical crossroads where our information and our courage enables us to choose to create a thriving world based on protecting the rights of every individual or our recent trajectory of misinformation and confusion continues to lead us into a global police state - seeking daily permission to act from the dictators of a one-world tyranny.

We outnumber the perpetrators of the agenda by over a million to one. They cannot control us unless they can control our minds. As we wake up, do our own thinking, connect with others and take action, humanity has what it takes to thrive.

Now, as this website (www.thrivemovement.com) is launching across the world, the desperation and resentment of those calling themselves “the 99%” is merging with the groups identified by Hawken and Ray above the first truly global (r)evolution is emerging.

It does not have a leader. Each person’s inner guidance is leading, and we are finding ways – with the Internet, with hand signs, with daily council circles and a myriad of others to honor that.

It does not yet have a clearly defined set of strategic goals. It is the result of the moral outrage against corruption, deceit, and brutality. It is fitting that people are finding how to mobilize based on everyone’s rights before getting too focused down, rather than just doing the next centralization of power into the hands of a few. The movement is naturally first seeking a core morality to guide the great turning of humanity away from the destructive practices in every field that have put the life of the planet and its species at mortal risk.

"It is not enough just to become more conscious. It matters deeply what you become more conscious of."
Neal Rogin

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New worldviews are struggling to be born that feel right with no reservation, and for which people can stand whole-heartedly.

Please explore the "Liberty" section of this site for a deeper exploration of core ethical principles that can be our compass at this critical fork in the road in human history.

"We know we are not wise with our power when the effects of our actions are the opposite of our intent...We are not just threatening to end western civilization, - but the whole Cenozoic period 65 million years of evolution.

Our sentience, our feelings of wonder and awe emerge out of the universe… These profound feelings are not just ours; they are the universe reflecting upon itself… To live is to enter this beauty, surrounded by enchantment, summoned by magnificence.

We need to remember the universe, to study the cosmic story, the Earth story, the human story, until we know it in its essential forms... to know the story of life includes eating natural foods; to know the story of human civilizations means feeling the profound intuitions they achieved; and to know the story of the universe means to allow the great numinous past to come alive in your present being

What we eventually discover in our passionate remembering of the galactic, terrestrial, biological and human stories is that a study of the universe is a study of self." Brian Swimme (www.journeyoftheuniverse.org)

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"Our crisis is a birth. We are one living system and we have come to the limit of one phase of natural growth on a finite planet. … We must learn ethical evolution quickly… As we seek to facilitate a gentle birth, a graceful and nonviolent transition to the next stage of our evolution, we will discover a natural pattern, a design of our birth transition, and develop a plan to cooperate with this design." Barbara Marx Hubbard

"This is not a single-step process—that is at least a seven-step process! There are at least seven fulcrums, seven massive paradigm shifts, involved in getting you to a realization of this World Soul!
But the essential point is that at these higher or transpersonal stages, the Spirit that was present throughout the entire evolutionary process becomes increasingly conscious of its own condition. It has gone from subconscious to self-conscious to superconscious, unfolding more of itself and enfolding more of itself at every stage. Spirit slumbers in nature, begins to awaken in mind, and finally recognizes itself as Spirit in the transpersonal domains—but it is the same Spirit present throughout the entire sequence: the ground, path and fruition of the whole display.
With Spirit’s shocking Self-recognition, forms continue to arise and evolve, but the secret is out: they are all forms of emptiness in the universe of One Taste, endlessly transparent and utterly Divine".
Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything

"We all know the powerful addiction of money, power, career, and ego needs of every type. This momentum has kept suffering alive despite the enormous changes in human existence from age to age. Against this momentum the soul provides a means of solving every cause of pain:

  • Ignorance of reality is solved by delving deeper into the mind. Awareness dives deeper than the material level to find its roots.
  • Identification with ego is solved by learning to identify with these deeper levels.
  • Attraction to outside objects—and repulsion from them—is solved by valuing the inner life above all.
  • Fear of death is solved when the soul is experienced directly, since the soul is never born and never dies.
As with this causes of suffering, all the solutions grow from the first one. If you explore the true nature of reality, all pain will eventually come to an end." Chopra, Deepak, How to Know God.

The last thing we intend with Thrive is to have you take on, unquestioningly, a new set of beliefs. Our film and this ever-growing web portal are offerings to save you time gathering information, to encourage new types of questions, to nurture your own critical thinking and freedom from authority.

"Everything we need is already here and we can access it by recognizing and acting from our oneness."Kimberly Gamble

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The key is that our belief system determines what we think is possible, and what we think is possible influences the results we create or allow in life.
The interactions of all our individual worldviews shapes the condition of humanity and therefore, given our technologies, of planet Earth.

"Molecules awoke one morning to find that atoms were inside them, enfolded in their very being. And cells awoke one morning to find that molecules were actually inside them, as part of their very being. And you might awake one morning and find that nature is a part of you, literally internal to your being. You are not just a part of nature, nature is a part of you. And for just that reason, you treat nature as you would treat your lungs or your kidneys. A spontaneous environmental ethics surges forth from your heart, and you will never again look at a river, a leaf, a deer, a robin, in the same way."
Ken Wilber

If you think that you are connected with all of life, you will be more apt to steward your environment with care and treat others with compassion.

"What our Seventh Generation will have is a consequence of our actions today"
Winona LaDuke, Annishnabe

If you think that only your race or social class should rule, your behavior will most likely be very brutal.

"We shall have World Government whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
Paul Warburg, author of "The Federal Reserve Act", speaking to the senators

If you believe the world is about to end in a giant apocalypse and only the followers of your religion will be saved, then a sound ecology and caring for others wouldn’t be likely to show up on your to-do list.

"How you imagine the world determines how you live in it." David Suzuki

"In our whole-systems thinking tool, the Sector Navigator, we have “Worldview” at the center because we each experience every aspect of our lives through the lens of our set of beliefs – our Worldview"
Foster Gamble

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